38 research outputs found

    The Anarchy of Scheduling Without Money

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    We consider the scheduling problem on n strategic unrelated machines when no payments are allowed, under the objective of minimizing the makespan. We adopt the model introduced in [Koutsoupias 2014] where a machine is bound by her declarations in the sense that if she is assigned a particular job then she will have to execute it for an amount of time at least equal to the one she reported, even if her private, true processing capabilities are actually faster. We provide a (non-truthful) randomized algorithm whose pure Price of Anarchy is arbitrarily close to 1 for the case of a single task and close to n if it is applied independently to schedule many tasks, which is asymptotically optimal for the natural class of anonymous, task-independent algorithms. Previous work considers the constraint of truthfulness and proves a tight approximation ratio of (n+1)/2 for one task which generalizes to n(n+1)/2 for many tasks. Furthermore, we revisit the truthfulness case and reduce the latter approximation ratio for many tasks down to n, asymptotically matching the best known lower bound. This is done via a detour to the relaxed, fractional version of the problem, for which we are also able to provide an optimal approximation ratio of 1. Finally, we mention that all our algorithms achieve optimal ratios of 1 for the social welfare objective

    Obviously Strategyproof Single-Minded Combinatorial Auctions

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    We consider the setting of combinatorial auctions when the agents are single-minded and have no contingent reasoning skills. We are interested in mechanisms that provide the right incentives to these imperfectly rational agents, and therefore focus our attention to obviously strategyproof (OSP) mechanisms. These mechanisms require that at each point during the execution where an agent is queried to communicate information, it should be "obvious" for the agent what strategy to adopt in order to maximise her utility. In this paper we study the potential of OSP mechanisms with respect to the approximability of the optimal social welfare. We consider two cases depending on whether the desired bundles of the agents are known or unknown to the mechanism. For the case of known-bundle single-minded agents we show that OSP can actually be as powerful as (plain) strategyproofness (SP). In particular, we show that we can implement the very same algorithm used for SP to achieve a √m-approximation of the optimal social welfare with an OSP mechanism, m being the total number of items. Restricting our attention to declaration domains with two values, we provide a 2-approximate OSP mechanism, and prove that this approximation bound is tight. We also present a randomised mechanism that is universally OSP and achieves a finite approximation of the optimal social welfare for the case of arbitrary size finite domains. This mechanism also provides a bounded approximation ratio when the valuations lie in a bounded interval (even if the declaration domain is infinitely large). For the case of unknown-bundle single-minded agents, we show how we can achieve an approximation ratio equal to the size of the largest desired set, in an OSP way. We remark this is the first known application of OSP to multi-dimensional settings, i.e., settings where agents have to declare more than one parameter. Our results paint a rather positive picture regarding the power of OSP mechanisms in this context, particularly for known-bundle single-minded agents. All our results are constructive, and even though some known strategyproof algorithms are used, implementing them in an OSP way is a non-trivial task

    The VCG mechanism for Bayesian scheduling

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    We study the problem of scheduling m tasks to n selfish, unrelated machines in order to minimize the makespan, where the execution times are independent random variables, identical across machines. We show that the VCG mechanism, which myopically allocates each task to its best machine, achieves an approximation ratio of (Formula presented). This improves significantly on the previously best known bound of (Formula presented) for prior-independent mechanisms, given by Chawla et al. [STOC’13] under the additional assumption of Monotone Hazard Rate (MHR) distributions. Although we demonstrate that this is in general tight, if we do maintain the MHR assumption, then we get improved, (small) constant bounds for m ≥ n ln n i.i.d. tasks, while we also identify a sufficient condition on the distribution that yields a constant approximation ratio regardless of the number of tasks

    Obviously strategyproof mechanisms without money for scheduling

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    We consider the scheduling problem when no payments are allowed and the machines are bound by their declarations. We are interested in a stronger notion of truthfulness termed obvious strategyproof-ness (OSP) and explore its possibilities and its limitations. OSP formalizes the concept of truthfulness for agents/machines with a certain kind of bounded rationality, by making an agent's incentives to act truthfully obvious in some sense: Roughly speaking, the worst possible outcome after selecting her true type is at least as good as the best possible outcome after misreporting her type. Under the weaker constraint of truthfulness, Koutsoupias [2011] proves a tight approximation ratio of for one task. We wish to examine how this guarantee is affected by the strengthening of the incentive compatibility constraint. The main message of our work is that there is essentially no worsening of the approximation guarantee corresponding to the significant strengthening of the guarantee of incentive-compatibility from truthfulness to OSP. To achieve this, we introduce the notion of strict monitoring and prove that such a monitoring framework is essential, thus providing a complete picture of OSP with monitoring in the context of scheduling a task without money

    Financial network games

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    We study financial systems from a game-theoretic standpoint. A financial system is represented by a network, where nodes cor- respond to firms, and directed labeled edges correspond to debt contracts between them. The existence of cycles in the network indicates that a payment of a firm to one of its lenders might result to some incoming payment. So, if a firm cannot fully repay its debt, then the exact (partial) payments it makes to each of its creditors can affect the cash inflow back to itself. We naturally assume that the firms are interested in their financial well-being (utility) which is aligned with the amount of incoming payments they receive from the network. This defines a game among the firms, that can be seen as utility-maximizing agents who can strategize over their payments. We are the first to study financial network games that arise under a natural set of payment strategies called priority-proportional payments. We investigate both the existence and the (in)efficiency of equilibrium strategies, under different assumptions on how the firms’ utility is defined, on the types of debt contracts allowed between the firms, and on the presence of other financial features that commonly arise in practice. Surprisingly, even if all firms’ strategies are fixed, the existence of a unique payment profile is not guaranteed. So, we also investigate the existence and computation of valid payment profiles for fixed payment strategies

    Forgiving Debt in Financial Network Games

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    We consider financial networks, where nodes correspond to banks and directed labeled edges correspond to debt contracts between banks. Maximizing systemic liquidity, i.e., the total money flow, is a natural objective of any financial authority. In particular, the financial authority may offer bailout money to some bank(s) or forgive the debts of others in order to maximize liquidity, and we examine efficient ways to achieve this. We study the computational hardness of finding the optimal debt-removal and budget-constrained optimal bailout policy, respectively, and we investigate the approximation ratio provided by the greedy bailout policy compared to the optimal one. We also study financial systems from a game-theoretic standpoint. We observe that the removal of some incoming debt might be in the best interest of a bank. Assuming that a bank's well-being (i.e., utility) is aligned with the incoming payments they receive from the network, we define and analyze a game among banks who want to maximize their utility by strategically giving up some incoming payments. In addition, we extend the previous game by considering bailout payments. After formally defining the above games, we prove results about the existence and quality of pure Nash equilibria, as well as the computational complexity of finding such equilibria

    Enhanced Strongly typed Genetic Programming for Algorithmic Trading

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    This paper proposes a novel strongly typed Genetic Programming (STGP) algorithm that combines Technical (TA) and Sentiment anal- ysis (SA) indicators to produce trading strategies. While TA and SA have been successful when used individually, their combination has not been considered extensively. Our proposed STGP algorithm has a novel fitness function, which rewards not only a tree’s trading performance, but also the trading performance of its TA and SA subtrees. To achieve this, the fitness function is equal to the sum of three components: the fitness function for the complete tree, the fitness function of the TA subtree, and the fitness function of the SA subtree. In doing so, we ensure that the evolved trees contain profitable trading strategies that take full advantage of both techni- cal and sentiment analysis. We run experiments on 35 international stocks and compare the STGP’s performance to four other GP algo- rithms, as well as multilayer perceptron, support vector machines, and buy and hold. Results show that the proposed GP algorithm statistically and significantly outperforms all benchmarks and it im- proves the financial performance of the trading strategies produced by other GP algorithms by up to a factor of two for the median rate of return

    Almost Envy-Freeness in Group Resource Allocation

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    We study the problem of fairly allocating indivisible goods between groups of agents using the recently introduced relaxations of envy-freeness. We consider the existence of fair allocations under different assumptions on the valuations of the agents. In particular, our results cover cases of arbitrary monotonic, responsive, and additive valuations, while for the case of binary valuations we fully characterize the cardinalities of two groups of agents for which a fair allocation can be guaranteed with respect to both envy-freeness up to one good (EF1) and envy-freeness up to any good (EFX). Moreover, we introduce a new model where the agents are not partitioned into groups in advance, but instead the partition can be chosen in conjunction with the allocation of the goods. In this model, we show that for agents with arbitrary monotonic valuations, there is always a partition of the agents into two groups of any given sizes along with an EF1 allocation of the goods. We also provide an extension of this result to any number of groups